Lama ak tak dengar lagu said i luv u but i lied..Maikel Bolton..wah terfiling jap bila layan tambah memalam sambil drive..tingat lagu tu top zaman ak kat kolej..tingat gak kat kawan2 n kenakalan ak masa kat kolej..uiks..ak memang nakal masa kat kolej so harap2 budak duaorg tu tak terikut la kenakalan mami dia nih..
korang ada ke lagu2 yang bila korang dengar jea mesti korang teringat pada sesuatu..tak kira la yang sedih hepi or ape2 jer..ak byk gak..mcm lagu Permaisuri nyanyian JJ..tingat kat seseorg sampai ak malas nak dgr dah lagu tu pdhal ringing tone ak dulu ak guna lagu tu..eem ada gak lagu2 evergreen yg buat ak tingat zaman sekolah ak tapi ak baik masa sekolah dulu tak nakal mcm masa di kolej heheheee...
so ak postkan lirik lagu Maikel Bolton
You are the candle, love’s the flame
A fire that burns through wind and rain
Shine your light on this heart of mine
Till the end of time
You came to me like the dawn through the night
Just shinin’ like the sun
Out of my dreams and into my life
You are the one, you are the one
Said I loved you but I lied
Cause this is more than love I feel inside
Said I loved you but I was wrong
Cause love could never ever feel so strong
Said I love you but I lied
With all my soul I’ve tried in vain
How can mere words my heart explain
This taste of heaven so deep so true
I’ve foud in you
So many reasons in so many ways
My life has just begun
Need you forever, I need you to stay
You are the one, you are the one
You came to me like the dawn through the night
Just shinin’ like the sun
Out of my dreams and into my life
You are the one, you are the one